The creative tutorial home of image wrangler, Lesa Snider.


Getting "Smart" with GoLive

One of the many reasons I switched from Dreamweaver to GoLive was its ability to use Smart Objects. Put simply, GoLive can enjoy a very special relationship with native Photoshop, Illustrator, and .pdf (Acrobat) files. This comes in super handy when you're resizing and optimizing web graphics.

Resizing a Smart Object file in GoLive doesn't mean your graphic gets resized by HTML code. Oh heavens no. GoLive generates a *new* graphic from the *original* native source file at the *new* pixel dimensions, without you dipping a single toe into the application from whence it came.


Fast uploading

When uploading files to your server, GoLive's helpfulness ("are you *sure* you want to overwrite this file?!" and "okay! I've uploaded the file!") can get a little old. This trick will bypass all of that, so use it at your own risk.
