The creative tutorial home of image wrangler, Lesa Snider.

Hello Austin!

May 31, 2007 by

I've been here just barely over 24 hours and already there's been two Flaming Dr. Peppers and one "fish couch" involved.

I'm here for the iStockalypse event and to be quite honest, I'm *still* recovering from last week in Ojai, CA (and not in the good happy way either). You'll notice there were no pictures. Pictures would have required going outside and being in somewhat of a Recreational Mode, and that, my friends, didn't happen. I didn't even go out to dinner :(

For seven days straight, I was locked inside a sound booth for hours on end and 16 hour days. If I wasn't in the sound booth, I was at the hotel writing scripts and preparing visuals. I can honestly say, that my first Lynda.com video training recording experience proved to be the most challenging week of my professional life. However, I learned a lot about video training which will make me a much better teacher. I also created a title about working with images that has been needed by the masses for many years. So hip hip hooray! Can't wait till it hits the shelves and starts selling :)