The creative tutorial home of image wrangler, Lesa Snider.

Would you spend $25 a year to avoid waiting in line?

April 11, 2007 by

Of course you would, and so would I. Most recently, I donated $25 hard earned bucks to get my name onto The Great Gold Board in the Sky.

I'm speaking, of course, of the Hertz Gold Canopy board. This board entitles me to bypass the long line of other equally tired/hungry travelers and proceed happily to the car parked in the numbered spot listed next to my name without actually having to engage in conversation with other humans (sometimes I like this when I travel).

Seeing my name on the board was especially blissful because I joined the fracking' Hertz Gold #1 Super Duper Club last December and for some reason it's taken 7 or 8 Hertz Rental Situations to actually make the Gold Canopy bit happen. Who knows why, but it looks like it's all worked itself out now.

And yes, I really did look like the world's biggest goober for taking this picture :)