The creative tutorial home of image wrangler, Lesa Snider.

Photoshop CS6 New Features

May 24, 2012 by
Not Free

In this intensive look at the new features in Adobe Photoshop CS6, you'll learn practical yet non-destructive editing techniques you can use every day. This 3-day course is a perfect companion to my previous Photoshop CS5 four day intensive course, which is also on creativeLIVE. In this course, we'll dive into advanced filters such as Puppet Warp, Liquify, and Lighting Effects, which all take advantage of the new processing power of Adobe Photoshop CS6. I'll also spend a full day covering how to edit video using tools you're already familiar with. Here's what people are saying about the course:

"I've just started your course and am so excited because I've recently been asked to do a fair amount of graphics for a small company. Thank you so much for all of your awesome courses. I love your personality; makes it much more fun. Thanks!" Feb. 17, 2014 by TC

This is one of many video courses I created for creativeLIVE.com. The courses are extremely affordable (starting at $29; no subscription required), and you can watch the videos by either streaming them through your web browser or by downloading the movies — in either standard or high-definition. All classes include layered exercise files you can download and follow along with.

To view a detailed course outline and to purchase the course, click here to be taken to creativeLIVE.

To see Lesa’s full list of courses at creativeLIVE, click here.
