The creative tutorial home of image wrangler, Lesa Snider.

Create Stunning Black and White Images with Photoshop and Photoshop Elements

April 27, 2012 by
Two methods to gorgeous grayscales

I'm proud to announce that this month I'm doing weekly videos for PlanetPhotoshop.com. Previously I contributed videos to PhotoshopUser.com to help out my overly-busy buddies Matt K. and Corey B. If you used to catch my videos over there, you can get the same practical technique video goodness over at Planet. This is actually a huge score for me as the Planet site isn't password protected, so I get to be in front of a slew of eyeballs (I'll also be uploading videos to my regular YouTube channel periodically, so don't miss those either!).
In this particular video, you get to see a few different ways to create a gorgeous grayscale image (or rather, a black-and-white) from a full-color image. The technique is fast and non-destructive, too! To see the video, give this link a click: Create Stunning Black and White Images. I hope you enjoy it!
And if you want to download an image to play with yourself, trot on over to my special landing page at iStockphoto.com to get 10 free high-resolution images as well as a 20% discount on any credit purchase of 50+ credits. May the creative force be with you all!
