The creative tutorial home of image wrangler, Lesa Snider.

Step by step tutorials

Welcome to the home of the step by step creative online tutorial. Here you will find detailed, easy-to-understand steps accompanied by screen shots. These tutorials are liable to be about anything from my current project to something that drove me nuts trying to figure out. It is my hope that the things I can convey here will save you time and frustration.

If there's something that you'd like to see written up, please feel free to let me know

Say hello to advanced red-eye and retouching tools

Sometimes I wonder about the people who discover advanced tools hidden deep within software. Take this week's tip for instance, which involves iPhoto 6 and its photo editing tools.

Somehow, Rob Griffeths of Macworld Magazine discovered that if you hold down a magical combination of three keys *before* choosing either the red-eye or retouching brush while in the Editing mode of iPhoto 6, you get a much more powerful tool for each. In addition to that, he discovered modifier keys that let you toggle between these hidden tools.


